Grandi Stazioni to offer free Wi-Fi in the Italian train stations

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Press release 23/11/2015
Grandi Stazioni, owned by the Italian rail operator, Ferrovie dello Stato and by Eurostazioni who runs the most important rail complexes in Italy, will offer free Wi-Fi in the shopping areas of the main Italian train stations. The service, developed by Fastweb, is already available in the Rome Termini, Rome Tiburtina, Milan Centrale, Naples Centrale e Turin Porta Nuova stations and will be extended to the other stations of their network in the coming months. In addition to normal Internet access, the more than 750 million passengers and visitors who each year pass through one of the GS 14 stations, will also have access to the portfolio of digital and proximity services offered by Grandi Stazioni.

Provided by Fastweb, the Wi-Fi coverage will deliver high performance and cutting-edge digital services and is already available in the Rome Termini, Rome Tiburtina, Milan Centrale, Naples Centrale and Turin Porta Nuova stations. The over 750 million passengers and visitors that travel through the Grandi Stazioni stations every year will be able to connect to the Internet

Rome, 23 November 2015 - Grandi Stazioni, owned by the Italian rail operator, Ferrovie dello Stato and by Eurostazioni who runs the most important rail complexes in Italy, will offer free Wi-Fi in the shopping areas of the main Italian train stations. The service, developed by Fastweb, is already available in the Rome Termini, Rome Tiburtina, Milan Centrale, Naples Centrale e Turin Porta Nuova stations and will be extended to the other stations of their network in the coming months. In addition to normal Internet access, the more than 750 million passengers and visitors who each year pass through one of the GS 14 stations, will also have access to the portfolio of digital and proximity services offered by Grandi Stazioni.

The Wi-Fi offered by Grandi Stazioni is in line with the latest international standards in terms of services to passengers. The use of smartphones and tablets to interact with one's surroundings and to seek geolocalised information has become commonplace also in the major public transportation hubs, especially among travellers who come from countries where the digital culture is more marked. The custom has become so widespread that it affects visitors' assessment of the overall quality of the services they receive. Therefore, Grandi Stazioni has decided to deploy a Wi-Fi network that can also provide geolocalised content.

Internet access will be completely free and anyone can navigate safely, via smartphone, tablet or laptop. Station visitors will be able to surf the Internet by logging in directly to the web portal of Grandi Stazioni, or by using the Around Station app, compatible with Android and iOS, to access information on services, events or about their trip.

Fastweb's Wi-Fi network is a stable, high performance platform, providing access to many users simultaneously, thanks to the integration of the hotspots with their fibre optic network infrastructure. Fastweb has also equipped the network with the most modern security systems to ensure navigation and data exchange without any risk of external intrusion.

"We are very pleased to enrich the range of services offered to our visitors with this addition. The agreement with Fastweb allows us, at present, to offer the service to more than 60% of the visitors and passengers in transit through our stations. Soon we will expand the service to the rest of our network, enabling all our customers to access a service that is now essential for work, family life and leisure. With the added value of our applications, moreover, trips and the time spent in the stations will be even faster and more enjoyable", said Paolo Gallo, CEO of Grandi Stazioni.

"We set up a free Wi-Fi service that offers high performance, for connection quality and security. Grandi Stazioni will be not only able to provide a free connectivity service, but also convey information and provide new business opportunities for the commercial tenants in the stations", said Massimo Mancini, Fastweb's Enterprise Director.