Fastweb is the main sponsor of InnoVits at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2015

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Press release 13/03/2015
Fastweb is the main sponsor of InnoVits, the non-profit association founded in Milan in 2010 with the aim of stimulating new business development promoting dialogue and discussion between startuppers and managers. Innovits will be present with a stand at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress, taking place in Milan from the 16th to the 19th of March.

Milano Congressi Via Spinola 9  - Milan, 16 - 19 March

Fastweb is the main sponsor of InnoVits, the non-profit association founded in Milan in 2010 with the aim of stimulating new business development promoting dialogue and discussion between startuppers and managers. Innovits will be present with a stand at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress, taking place in Milan from the 16th to the 19th of March.

The International Summit offers a rich programme over four days and companies, investors, researchers, opinion leaders and policy makers will be encouraged to discuss all aspects of innovation, new business models and entrepreneurial perspectives.

"The mission of InnoVits is to foster innovation by promoting collaboration among managers and startups" said Roberto Sapio, President of InnoVits. "Since 2010 we aimed at building a cultural bridge between the corporate world and startups leveraging the best of the two cultures: the experience of managers in managing an established company and the agility of entrepreneurs. During GEC2015 InnoVits will give an essay of the work carried out, with passion, during all these years, and the skills and expertise that we make available to the innovation ecosystem".

During the days of GEC2015, InnoVits will organize three major events to explore the fusion between new philosophies, practices, methodologies and innovative approaches from the world of startups and a more traditional management.

In detail: on Tuesday, March 17 at 14:30, the panel discussion "Established firms and Startups: the corporate entrepreneur's role" will explore the application of startup methodologies into consolidated companies.

On Wednesday March 18 at 16:00 during the "Final Startup Competition 2015” five finalists startups selected in the acceleration process of InnoVits will present their innovative projects giving elevator pitches (brief speech of presentation) and will be judged by a commitee of risk investors, business angels and managers evaluating design ideas and business models sustainability.

The following five startups will compete for the podium: 100kmdaMilano, the portal that provides a unique web experience collecting hundreds of one-day unconventional and luggage free itineraries within 100 kilometers from Milan; Driver2Home, the service that provides a unique driver service experience to bring customers home in a safe and relaxing way by their own car; Endo -SIGHT, the solution that provides a 3D Augmented Reality navigation system able to guide surgeons and clinicians with extremely high precision inside the human body; MySchoolLAB, the web site that provides an open learning platform for scientific and technical subjects based on an innovative semantic search engine and Vicinidicasa, the service that provides a unique online social marketplace that helps neighbours to connect reliably.

Then, on Thursday March 19 at 14:30 the workshop entitled "How to effectively evaluate new business ideas, based on your innovation appetite" will explain the methods and models for evaluating business ideas in a continuous interaction with the audience.

"Fastweb supports InnoVits at GEC2015, one of the most important international events for the development of new entrepreneurship, because we believe in innovation and in the development of digital culture," said Federico Ciccone, Chief of Marketing and Customer Experience Officer of Fastweb. "The collaboration with InnoVits testifies the interest and commitment of Fastweb in the initiatives encouraging the development of innovation and digital culture, marking our distinctive role in facilitating the transition of people and companies towards a digital lifestyle."