FASTWEB announces its 2014 annual results: growth in customers, revenues and margins

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Press release 05/02/2015
FASTWEB announces its 2014 annual results. The telecommunications provider closed 2014 with a 7% increase in its customer base (+130,000 net ads versus 2013), reaching a total of 2.07 million subscribers and thus confirming also in 2014 its leadership as the main Italian provider in the acquisition of new broadband customers.

Main results

  • Customers: +130,000 net adds in 2014, with a 7% growth in the customer base, thus reaching a total of 2.07 million at end of the year
  • Total revenues: 1,688 million Euro, +3% versus 2013
  • EBITDA: 515 million Euro, with a 2% increase versus the previous year
  • Total investment: equal to 33% of annual revenues
  • Ultra Broadband network (connection speeds of up to 100 Mbps) reaching 5.5 million homes and businesses in the end of 2014
  • Launch of a new extension plan aimed to take the Ultra Broadband coverage to a total of 7.5 million homes and businesses by 2016

Milan, 5th February 2015 - FASTWEB announces its 2014 annual results. The telecommunications provider closed 2014 with a 7% increase in its customer base (+130,000 net ads versus 2013), reaching a total of 2.07 million subscribers and thus confirming also in 2014 its leadership as the main Italian provider in the acquisition of new broadband customers.

Total revenues amounted to 1,688 million Euro, growing by 3% with respect to 1,642 million Euro in 2013.

The gross margin (Ebitda) reached 515 million Euro, increasing by 10 million Euro with respect to 505 million Euro of the previous year. The Ebitda margin reached 31%.

This commercial success was obtained also thanks to FASTWEB’s continuous investment on its fiber optic network: at the end of 2014 the provider completed a two-year plan worth 400 million Euro, in order to extend its Ultra Broadband services to 20% of the Italian population, i.e. to 5.5 million homes and businesses.

FASTWEB’s commitment in the new generation network extension determined a total investment of 562 million Euro, equal to 33% of revenues, which is an unprecedented investment level among Italian telecommunications providers.

In the last quarter of 2014 FASTWEB launched the new 2015-2016 plan for a further extension of the new generation infrastructure to 2 million new homes and businesses, thus taking the coverage to about 30% of the Italian population, or 7.5 million units in 100 cities by the end of 2016. Thanks to this plan, FASTWEB will become the alternative telecommunications provider with the largest Ultra Broadband network in Europe.

With about 500,000 Ultra Broadband private customers (connection speeds of up to 100 Mbps), FASTWEB is the Italian leading provider of Ultra Broadband services with a share of 70% of the total market in the end of  2014.

In the Corporate Business segment, FASTWEB has further increased its market share, reaching a 25% at the end of 2014, thus marking a 5% growth in the past three years and consolidating its position as the second most important Italian provider. This performance originates from the continuous strengthening of FASTWEB’s “core” services (voice and data) and from its progressive consolidation in the “VAS/ICT” segment (value added services/Information Communication Technology). In particular, the value added ICT services (Cloud Computing, Security and Housing/Co-location, Managed services, Unified communication) complement the portfolio of services which FASTWEB already offers to large companies and Public Administration, thus satisfying the growing complexity of their requirements.

In the last quarter of 2014 the new FASTWEB’s Data Centre in Milan obtained a Tier IV certification from the Uptime Institute: today FASTWEB is the only provider in Italy with a Data Centre providing such a high level of certification and data security to its Corporate customers.