The 5G Network

We and you towards a world with no more boundaries between fixed and mobile connections.

5G: what is it?

5th generation mobile networks - the so-called "5G networks" - are “converged” networks, in which the traditional difference between fixed and mobile networks tends to blur. These are very versatile networks that allow to offer very high-performance connectivity services both at home and on the move. Thanks to its characteristics, 5G is revolutionizing our lives and our way of experiencing cities as well as many industrial sectors thanks to the infinite applications that can be developed.

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5G: how does it work?

From the infrastructural point of view the main characteristic of 5G networks is the so-called "densification" of mobile radio antennas. The number of antennas, all entirely connected in fibre, is much higher than in traditional networks. Thanks to these characteristics, which make the 5G network similar to a large Wi-Fi network, performance reaches levels far superior to those of 3G and 4G networks and comparable to those of fixed networks.

5G: the advantages

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The speed

Through 5G it’s possible to download all types of files very quickly, even large ones thanks to a download speed that can reach 3 Gigabits per second and transmission capacity levels up to 10 times higher than current 4G networks.

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The very low latency

Through 5G the transmission of information in real time is easier thanks to the reduction in reaction times which go from 25-35 milliseconds of today's 4G networks to just a few milliseconds.

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The amount of connections

Thanks to 5G the possibility to simultaneously connect a very large number of objects that can go from a few thousand, with current 4G networks, to a few million devices per square kilometer is becoming a reality. Thanks to 5G, devices can be connected and interact with each other, a key feature to boost the development of the so-called "Internet of Things" in the near future.

5G: what will change?

Media and Entertainment

High Definition Contents
Live Experiences for Events

Public Safety

Advanced Video Surveillance
Networks for Police Force


Remote Assistance
Equipment management and localization

Smart City

Real-time city control
Parking and transport services

Smart Port

Security/Environmental control
Logistics/Automation loading and unloading services

Tourism and Culture

Augmented Virtual Reality
Virtual guides and geo-museums

Mobility and Road Safety

Improving road safety
Assisted driving & Smart logistic
Autonomous driving vehicles

Environmental Monitoring

Sensors for environmental monitoring
Environmental risk management

Industry 4.0

Automation and prevention
Augmented reality
Management and localization of tools

Smart Agriculture

Autonomous vehicles
Management optimization
Water saving

Fastweb and the 5G

Thanks to the characteristics described, 5G represents a fundamental enabler of the so-called "internet of things" (IoT): the new applications are having important impacts both on our daily lives, thanks to all the solutions for smart cities, home automation and healthcare sectors, Public safety, and in many sectors, from agriculture to Industry 4.0.
But in addition to the IoT and mobile applications, 5G networks are also producing a significant effect in the world of fixed telecommunications services. In fact, 5G represents the natural evolution of Fastweb's FTTN (Fiber to the Node) fixed fiber optic networks spreading throughout the country and will be the key to its development.
In fact, 5G is a technology that allows to bring connectivity to families without fiber connections to the home leaving the last section of the net that goes from the street closet to the homes to 5G coverage. Thanks to the “Fixed Wireless Access” network architecture, connections speed can reach up to 1 Gigabit per second with the advantage of giving further boost to the development of new networks which can thus be rolled out much more quickly.

Fastweb was the first company in Italy to experiment Ultra FWA networks to bring ultra-broadband connectivity and to obtain performances completely comparable to those of FTTH to families and offices. Currently, in the less infrastructured areas of the country, Fastweb Ultra 5G FWA network covers 1,000 Municipalities. With the aim of further accelerating coverage of digital divide areas with 5G FWA bringing connectivity of up to 1 Giga, Fastweb has also signed a strategic agreement with Eolo.

Furthermore, at the end of June 2019, Fastweb together with Wind Tre launched an important partnership for the joint development, leveraging the specific assets of the two operators, of a 5G mobile network throughout Italy with the aim of providing high performance mobile services to citizens and businesses and cover 90% of the population by 2026. The roll out of the 5G network shared between the two operators is underway and the infrastructure which includes both macro sites and micro-cells connected through Fastweb fiber optic currently covers today 74% of the Italian population.

Thanks to 5G, Fastweb is implementing a strategic paradigm change by evolving its networks towards FTTA, i.e. "fibre to the antenna" to quickly develop a high-performance 5G network starting from the main Italian cities.

Fastweb and 5G trials

  • Bari/Matera 5G
  • Rome 5G
  • Genua 5G

Seleziona una città per scoprire le iniziative sviluppate grazie al 5G di Fastweb

In 2018, Fastweb together with TIM and Huawei was part of the project BariMatera5G, after the three companies jointly won the Ministry of Economic Development tender for the testing of the new 5G technology in the two cities. Thanks to an investment of over 60 million euros in 4 years, Bari and Matera are among the first "5G cities" in Europe in which innovative services has been tested in sectors such as healthcare, industry 4.0, tourism, culture, automotive and public safety. The project involves, in addition to the 3 companies also 52 partners, including 7 university and research centers, 34 large companies and 11 public administrations. The 5G network built in Bari and Matera has reached a transmission capacity 10 times higher than that of 4G network and the experimentation has brought to over 70 use cases.

In 2017, Fastweb, Ericsson and Roma Capitale signed a memorandum of understanding to start testing 5G and Wi Fi technologies for the development of new services. The first three areas of experimentation are tourism including digital applications to enhance cultural heritage, security including very high-definition remote surveillance, and urban mobility including automatic tracking applications, new pricing approach, on-board diagnostics telemetry and predictive fault analysis.

In 2019, the City of Genua, Fastweb and Ericsson signed a Memorandum of Understanding to start testing 5G and Wi Fi technologies for the development of new services. In the Porto Antico area, the applications concern Security with the development of innovative very high definition remote surveillance solutions, Tourism with the enhancement of the cultural and artistic heritage of Genua thanks to virtual reality and solutions for Smart City with applications for environmental monitoring and remote management of lighting systems. In particular, the Security applications realized in collaboration with Leonardo s.p.a enabled People Counting, i.e. the counting of people through virtual gates equipped with 5G connected cameras, and People Density, i.e. the detection of density, movements and parking of people in Piazzale Mandraccio for the monitoring of the events taking place within the area.

  • 5G Healthcare
  • Industry 4.0
  • Smart city
  • Public safety
  • Tourism and culture
  • Media and information
  • Smart agriculture
  • Mobility and road safety


In collaboration with Giovanni Paolo II Hospital in Bari remote home care services to monitor patients' vital parameters have been developed. A mobile analysis laboratory connected in 5G and able to send data in real time has also been implemented for remote diagnosis.


A smart solution to monitor the health status of drivers working for a transport company. Thanks to the use of a t-shirt made of hitoeTM, a Japanese smart fabric, the vital parameters and stress levels of the wearer are detected in real time.

Increased reality

In collaboration with Isotta Fraschini Motori an Innovative platform has been developed to provide, through special vr viewers, training and remote assistance to workers during the assembly and disassembly phases of a naval engine.

Control room

An innovative platform created to gather and manage the data collected by several sensors installed in various points of the urban areas of Bari and Matera.

Smart lighting

Automated management of streetlights realized through an innovative platform capable of reducing consumption, costs and environmental impact and at the same time ensuring optimized maintenance and the development of new solutions for sustainability.

Smart parking

Management of car parking and street market areas through occupancy sensors and hi-tech solutions based on apps or smart parking meters allowing the automatic recognition.

Environmental monitoring

Smart infrastructures with new generation sensors installed in Bari to monitor air quality, the concentration of harmful substances and noise pollution and at the same time capable of activating targeted interventions based on the data collected.

Smart port

Security and access monitoring in the port area of Bari through a centralized platform. Facial recognition and anomalous situations detection using latest generation cameras and artificial intelligence to increase security levels and give further boost to tourist and commercial activities.

Wearable video cameras

Surveillance on the move with wearable devices such as action cams and body cams able to broadcast video from land, sea and air from helicopters or drones to support the Police in critical situations.

Tourism and culture

Ancient churches and the most significant places in Matera made accessible thanks to applications of virtual reality and the use of special vr viewers to live remote places of great cultural interest through a new kind of tourist visit experience.

Media and information

Video distribution platform for journalists and operators with high-definition audiovisual contents that allows reliable, fluid and low latency live connections.

Smart agriculture

Innovative infrastructure that allows to monitor crops thanks to the use of new generation sensors through which it is possible to regulate the use of water and fertilizers.

Mobility and road safety

Platform for the smart management of urban traffic thanks to the dynamic management of the lanes and to the signaling system to drivers of the state of the roads and of any dangers.

Thermal baths of Diocletian